How often do you see your friends?

There are so many studies and articles about the importance of friends as we age.  They say that friends actually influence your happiness and habits. I have always valued my friendships and tried my best to nurture them.  I moved across the country about 2 ½ years ago and even though I did know a few people, had to basically start over. I found some of the most amazing women and feel as though I have already made some deep friendships and feel truly blessed that one of my best friends of over 30 years moved to the same town about 3 minutes away recently as well. 

Having said all of that, I am busy. I am starting a new business, have two teenagers; one who deals with depression and anxiety, my husband travels a lot for work and I do my share of philanthropy. This doesn’t leave much time for friends and I find myself having to turn down offers for coffee or lunch or a walk when I know that would help me so much.  I try to make time when I can and use my time in the car to touch base with friends. I prefer in person, but even those short phone calls can boost my mood. Just a reminder (for me as well) to make time for friends!

How often do you see your friends?